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The Hidden Truth of Bizarre Beautiful

Rare images beyond the naked eyes

(Photo: Dr. Paul D. Andrews, University of Dundee, Scotland)


Above is a picture of two human cancer cells sitting next to each other right before they're about to divide into four cells. They're derived from the now famous "HeLa" line of cancer cells, which were taken from Henrietta Lacks in 1951 and used for medical research without her permission. "Understanding how cells divide is critical to understanding how cancerous cells multiply and take over," according to Dr. Andrews.

(Photo: Dr. Gregory Rouse, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, California, U.S.)

Mollusc baby

Dr. Rouse is a marine biologist who started taking photos through a microscope to raise awareness of "the spectacular beauty that lies hidden in the sands of the sea." The baby bivalve, which is part of the Limidae family, was swimming like a scallop by clapping its shells together when the photo was taken.

(Photo: Gerd Guenther, Dusseldorf, Germany)

Soap film

You can see colors of soap bubbles with the naked eye, but the colors are so much more intense and beautiful under the microscope. The photo above was taken right before the soap film collapsed. Guenther is an organic farmer in Dusseldorf, Germany, who takes microphotos as part of his work -- to get a closer look at plants -- and for the fun of it.

(Photo: Yanping Wang, Beijing Planetarium, China)

Soy sauce

Wang is a screenwriter who was inspired to take microphotos as a hobby when she looked at snowflakes under a microscope. Here she shows the details of traditional Chinese soy sauce. Wang chose this particular image because it's the only soy sauce crystal that resembles a human face.

(Photo: Charles Krebs, Washington, U.S.)

Wasp eye

Krebs is a professional photographer who specializes in small insects. Here he shows a Ichneumon wasp compound eye magnified 40 times

Image speaks for It selves..
Speechless speaking..
Unravel things beyond knowledge and thoughts..
Disclose themselves for the eyes of unknown..
Breaking down the code of secret beyond Miracle..
The existence of amazing Creator...
Proved to the naked eyes of JAHILLIAH UMMAH..
Open Your Eyes for the unresistance Truth..
Open Your Heart for the fact of ALLAH the ALMIGHTY..

Small things we took for granted, for the unknowing thoughts, for being the ignorance of things occurred around us.. We accidentally forgot the beautiful creation in this world is Women but the most beautiful creation is Pious Women ..

.:>Hobin Jang Hobin

Hobin Jang Hobin..........
Kata semangat untuk skuad bola sepak N9..
Tahniah atas kejayaan tika menentang Perlis di gelanggang lawan...
Bukan kita mangsa tp kita pemangsa..

Cerita di gelanggang sendiri, Star of Paroi...

Game start 8.45pm, 12 Oct 2010.. Ak dan Khairul Aimi, my friend g ar stadium.. da lama x g sjak kgkawan len msuk blaja... So game amat boring cuz dorg men cam hampeh.. Perlis lak xleh hidup asyik bertahan.. Alhamdulillah, score gak N9 pemain gantian berjersi no9 ShahruAin (kalo btul la ak eja name ni.. men petik je)..

                                                                        Star of Paroi

Berbekalkan 1 goal skuad ruso ke Perlis..

Jaringan pembukaan skuad ruso hadir pada awal permainan.. sape ntah name player tu.. botak orangnya...
Jaringan kontroversi tu wat penonton n penyokong perlis marah.. offside koba ea.. mmg pun ak tgk cam offside je.. tp reff kata goal.. so rezeki ar.. xleh ar nk wat pe.. tp seketul batu bata terbang dan hampir kena penjaga garisan perlawanan kerana rasa ketidakpuashatian penyokong Perlis dek keputusan reff.. agak-agak la kot kena kpala leh bocor... Nway n9 monang bosar 3-1 di Perlis.

Terukla sikap segelintir penonton kat Malaysia.. bukan susah nk tgk bola.. tgk la diam2 jgn kecoh2.. ni dgn mercun la bagai, botol air terbang da bese tgk da.. bakar2 men specialist org kelantan.. nk menjerit jeritla.. ni apo yg ado kek tangan sume nk lempar..cuba apply sikap dorg ni kat EPL (English Premier League).. dorg duduk lg dekat dgn pemain.. ak rasa maybe ad pemain yg mati kot.. kena lempar memacam... truk tul so behave la kalo tgk bola.. dorg yg men kita plak bertumbuk.. dorang men dapat gak duit.. korg bertumbuk dapat sakit.. Lu pk la sendiri ~

Anyway enjoy da game this Wednesday, N9 vs Johor FC..

Hobin Jang Hobin !!!!

DOLCE FAR NIENTE (The Sweetness of Doing Nothing)

The Day We Burnt Our Stress All Away(2010)..

I think this was the moment we all just finished up our exam paper i guess..
Others are still studying while us are enjoying our time and day..
even we know that we still have paper to sit but we decided to put aside all of the things away for a moment..
We had so much gay that day!
Things gone Wild! it was so much fun! do somehing out of your mind sometimes is the best moment you can ever had..
besides, you will get addicted to it.. hehe
BUT.. whatever it is, do still control and behave yourself!
have fun with positive things, do not harm yourself and others k..
This wonderful moment we had was around Melaka City..
We enjoyed our self at Dataran Melaka..
Remember Folks! sometimes we do need Dolce Far Niente!! :)

Pinang Water Festival(2009)..

hehe.. Who can do This????
haha.. My team Are dared enough to do this!
I Love Them so much, tapi masa ni ada lg yg xde..
like I said when you put aside your problem, your shy, your tempered and whatever, and go out there enjoy your day by doing something unexpected in positive way la kan.. so you can have so much fun..
and you will learn how to appreciate your self and others around you!
Those wigs was my idea, but the one who noticed there is Toy's R Us punye studio was Leen. And pe lg, amik gbr la we all..
From left is Ady, Leen, Pinang, Wan John and Me..
Kalo korang x buat something that might called by others as nothing it is your lost.. This kind of nothing thing that will lead you to have GAY!
Gay in this term is not homosexual, it's mean the joyful and fun.

Wan John C Pocong(2009)

hahha.. i still remembered this moment! We had our vacation at Pahang..
X igt la kat mn, tp yg ade, Me,Damia Iliana,Adni Liyana,Ady Ferhad,Hanif Sulhi, Wan John, Boya, Jepun, Asrol Aslam..
ooo,, da ingat.. Kt org kat Pantai Cherating.. It was around 1am i guess..
me,ady, Mia and Asrol ngah dok memancing.. aku dok kat angah Ady sbb xpenah memancing so nk cuba2 la.. tb2.. aku dgr bunyi tapak kaki  loncat2 kat pantai! dan... tiba2.. mankok jahanam ni rupenye ngah meloncat2 kat blakang kt org! hahha..
aku xtau asal aku x tekejut sgt sbb nmpak die kot.. kalo korang tgk r die waktu tu mmg sgt klaka doh..
ade ke patot pocong leh mlompat scare reverse?
hehhe... lawak Gilo along aku ni..
I miss you guys so much! and i really miss that moment the most!
wah kali ni kita nk g bcuti mana la pulak.. da la xlm lg sume org bakal2 bergelar suami n isteri..
Soooooooo.. Kita Enjoy! nnt Enjoy with Spouses masing2 k..
again..Dolce Far Niente.. masa ni ktorg plan gler last minutes.. bsok nk g mlm tu aku sibok2 kol ckp nk g bcuti.. byangkan.. best gler.. hehehee
Ulu Bentoi..(2008)

hehe.. Actually the real name of this place is Ulu Bentul.. there is a story and history behind this name..
masa nk g sini kt ngah sibok2 nk pilih nk mandi kat mn? Ulu Bendul or Jeram Toi?
di sebab kn tu Ady the guy who wore white singlet in this photo tersebut "jom pegi Ulu Bentoi"
Ulu Bentoi pon boleh.. hahah.. untill now we called it Ulu Bentoi.. hehe
This place is located at Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.. ktorg pegi mandi sbb saje suka2 n nk have fun.. Well, The Sweetness of Doing Nothing...
Ady c Mentadak Mentadu.. :)

Shah Alam ICT (2010)

:) hemm.. what can i say? ni nm nye .. xde keje.. I'm blushed!
I can't even look at him.. I was so shy that time, he stared at me and said that he really ...... nonverbal and verbally..
We let everything happened and occured spontaneously.. This is the real Dolce Far Niente personally for me.. I was just stood and silent under the Light tree.. The colourful lights coloured us that night..
I felt the LOVE Glossed at that moment.. He didn't say anythng but The Gestures and Post speaks  for him..
Mucho gracias Me Amour! 

.:> Hebatkah Korang?

Tensen arrr.. men mende ni.. Rubik Cube.. Da bpoloh2 kali da try.. xdpat gak nk settlekan.. susah bebenor..

tp ak salut la mereka yg dpt settlekan mende ni dgn cepat.. x silap ak ad yg leh settlekan dlm masa beberapa second jek.. waklu! hebat2.. 

Suatu ketika dlu faymes la mende ni, bbdak heboh bwak ke hulu ke hilir.. wajib la.. ontah leh wat ke x xtau la.. hahahaha..

Dalam pelbagai situasi dorg tetap men benda ni xkira masa or tempat.. Dalam bas, nk lintas jalan, nk mkan, nk membuang pun ada gak yg men.. haha..

Rubik Cube ni bagus tuk perkembangan minda anak2.. So nnti ak ada anak, maybe ni mainan pertama dorg kena men.. Dapat solvekan ak bli mainan len.. hahaha.. Meluntur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya.. 

Kehidupan kita pn cam rubik gak..Kalo ada masalah kena la putar2 kepala baru leh settle masalah.. 
Kepada mereka yg masih lagi  dalam usaha tuk settlekan puzzle rubik ni.. Good Luck!!


.:> Hypocrite


Hai, pernah berhadapan dengan seorang yang hipokrit. Aku pun xtau apa mslah mereka yg berhipokrit. Depan orang bukan men puji mamat tu, bila ko blah ko ngata dia mcm2.. What the fish. Ak xtau la brapa ramai da ko buat camtu. 

Der.. dunia ni bulat, ko buat org cmtu.. kompem2 ad org buat cmtu gak kat ko tanpa ko sedari.
Susah sgt agaknya nk jd diri sendiri.. Talam dua muka, kueh talam, tilam, sume la kat ko.. hahaha..

Sabar je la..  Mulut cam longkang, depan2 x berani nk kutuk.. Ish2.. Buat2la tobat.. Kalo ko x suke, buat cara xsuke.. ni x.. adooiiyaii.. 

Sejauh Mana...

Sejauh Mana..
kehendak mu pada diri ku?

Sejauh Mana..
keinginan mu terhadap kasih ku?

Sejauh Mana..
Cinta mu untuk diri ku?

Sejauh Mana..
kesetiaan mu untuk diri ku?

Sejauh Mana..
Kejujuran yang kau beri kan pada ku?
Sejauh Mana..
kepunyaan hati mu buat ku?

Sejauh Mana..
Kepastian dalam diri mu untuk memilih ku?

Sudah Sejauh ini kah yang ingin dikau pergi atau masih jauh lagi?

Perjalanan Cinta itu siapakah yang tahu ianya sejauh mana...

Glory Gloria....

Today is a fairy tale..
hehehe.. semalam and hari ni seharian bersama khatibi yang tersayang..
semalam got bbq party at my brother house, so.. dari Shah Alam he picked me up and straight to Terminal 1 because i need to buy a new adapter, i got one for only RM65. on 8pm, he got futsal.. like usual, i will follow him wherever he is and i'll be with him as long as he wanted me always... we're finished around 9pm and then he got showered because da "Butuk BaTAM" then straight to my brother house..

It was my LOVELY Family gathering actually..
 Everybody are allready there, oh ya except my younger sister syikeeen a.k.a. keping.. she wasn't around because she got camping for her tourism course.
Ikhsan was invited  because he allready being a part of my family.. he is my KHATIB..
we celebrated my niece and my nephew birthday.. we combined 3 person birthdays on that night, it was Aqillah's, Aqil's and Asyikeen's birthdays.. we had so much fun that night, Alhamdulillah.. we laugh, we had jokes and we are all had a great moment together..

was.. i saw the happiness, enjoyful and pleasure from his face.. he and my family are mingled around gayly..
I saw a big smile curved on his face.. I don't know what he had in his mind but i hope it was something good in his perception towards my family members.. 


He sent me back to Shah Alam on 3pm.. we're a bit rushed because i got meeting with  Myra,Tasya,Saera,Haqqin and Khairi regarding our group assingment for interpersonal subject. The assignment is about handling an event and we have to come up with proposal.
so i arrvied at 4.10 pm and the meeting was changed to 5 o'clock but we started early around 5 pm..
Today i brought him to get to know my friends.. it was a big honoured for me to have him around especially to let him know about my students life..
after the meeting.. we spent our time at Melati's College.. Tapi bukanla kat bilik i dik non.
dekat tempat beriadah kat bwh college tu..
quite long.. dekat sejam lebih gak la.. after that we have dinner at Tom Yam .com.. section 7 area just infront of my University..
The menu was: salted fish fried rice, rice with salted kailan and biskit egg.. drinks: soda bandung and orange juice.
masa nk balik tu.. sedih sangat.. because im going to miss him damn much!! die nk g belayar.. huhu..
 honey i pray that you're going to be allright always...
Ya Khatibi is going to be burnt during off shore! haiyak! jadi tamil la khatib aku nih..
hehhe.. Whatever it is.. UHIBBU JIDDAN! abadan abadaa ya Nurikhsan.. 

For The Rest of My Life & Always Be There- Maher Zain

A song with the powerful lyrics.. It tell us the pure relationship that blessed by ALLAH..
the real love involvement that we should really have and committed to..
a song that shows respect and appreciation towards ladies..
the most important thing is to have blessed by ALLAH in relationship and to tell her how much you loves her and appreciate her in life..

Sesungguhnya wanita itu adalah kekuatan bagi laki-laki yang di ciptakan oleh ALLAH..
laki-laki pula adalah pelindung bagi Wanita untuk mereka terus kuat dalam menguruskan kehidupan..
Wanita dan Lelaki di ciptakan saling memerlukan dan saling bergantung harapan..
keindahan percintaan adalah apabila ianya bergelar suami dan isteri..
sebuah keindahan di dunia yang semantara ALLAH berikan dan ia juga manfaat untuk keindahan yang tiada tandingannya di akhirat kelak..
sebuah cinta sejati yang ingin ku miliki dgn dia yang bakal bergelar suami adalah sebuah hadiah yang tidak terkata ingin ku miliki..
dalam alam perkahwinan akan ada pasang surutnya.. namun itulah kehidupan yang ALLAH telah ciptakan...
demi pasangan itu terus mengukir corak kehidupan yang penuh warna warni kehidupan dalam keindahan yg terletak pada asalanya kehidupan di KAIN PUTIH..


always be there

Trust Me

Trust me babe...
that i do miss you

Trust me honey... 
that you are the only one

Trust me dear...
that u will always in my mind

Trust me sayang...
it is you  the only one i want

Trust me hubby...
 you are my number one

Trust me Uhibbu 
i will be your perfect wife

Trust me derr...
i'm always your's

Trust me khatibi...
uhibbu jiddan abadan abada 

Trust me baby...
ikhsanadia uruban atraaba

Trust me Ikhsan..
because i love YoU for the rest of my time

Lovey Dovey Duff

Apa tu CINTA? ianya menyakitkan dan ia juga membahagiakan..
sering kali terbayang akan dirinya membuatkan aku di awangan seketika..
rindu ku, sayang ku, cinta ku.. ku serahkan segalanya pada diri mu.


sebuah perhubungan yg belalu dan berjalan dengan lancar sekelip mata..
membuatkan ramai yang ragu-ragu akannya..

PERLU KE? Perlu ke tempoh @ waktu menunjukkan segalanya?

TIDAK! dlam sesebuah perhubungan itu, masa bukan penentu segalanya.. Cinta yang sebenar, jodoh yang sebenar tidak terletak pada sesebuah tempoh perhubungan yg panjang.. Walau berapa lama pon hubungan seseorang yg bercinta itu belom menentukan bahawa ianya adalah CINTA SEJATI..

CINTA SEJATI hanya kita yang tahu, kita yang rase..
mereka tidak ada HAK! menentukan bahawa itu adalah CINTA sejati seseorang.. ALLAH yg memberikan kpd setiap insan itu sendiri.. ALLAH melahirkan perasaan itu terhadap setiap individu itu dan hanya mereka yang mampu mengungkap serta mengungkainya sendiri.

JADI... jangan lah kita sesekali menghalang pemergian pasangan kita atau pon menyekat sebuah percintaan yang suci dlam hubungan seseorang itu dgn hanya dasar tempoh yg kita tentukan sebagai sesuatu ikatan yg perlu kita sayang..

 Cuba pikirkan.. sebuah pasangan yg bercinta selama 5 tahun tetapi dalam kehidupannya penuh dengan rase berat hati, kedukaan serta kelukaan yang terpaksa di tanggungi?
lelaki kaki mabuk, kaki pukul, kaki judi,and kaki perempuan.. apa lg kaki yg die suke? whatever..
cuba bertahan slama 4 tahun krn kasih, syg serta cintanya terhadap psgn die tu td..

sbuah hbgn serta sbuah khidupan yg tpaksa d lalui tnpa pgetahuan org lain?
bila mereka berpisah, org lain menyatakan bahawa ianya sebuah kerugian yg besar krn tlah mengabaikan sbuah perhubungan yg tlah lama terbina..

Namun itulah sikapa manusia.. mereka menilai dgn apa yg mereka ingin nilai kan mengikut perspektif mrk sahaja..

TAPI... CINTA SEJATI itu dtg apabila sbuah sentuhan hati terjadi dlm masa satu hari.. Sbuah perasaan yang tak terungkap dek kata2.. kesenangan hati ketika berbicara.. kegembiraan yang terukir di mata..
Semuanya itu di lalui dalm waktu yang singkat.. Siapa yg lalui perasaan serta detik indah itu?
Dapat kah yang lain ungkap kan serta rase apa yg di lalui?
Apakah hak mereka mengatakan bahawa benarkah ianya Cinta Sejati dlam sbuah hubungan yg singkat yg berlaku pada waktu serta ketika ini?

keindahan serta kebenaran yang nyata adalah hanya di pohon dari yang MAHA KUASA.. namun jawapannya.. tlah dpt di cari dan di beri oleh si DIA..

tetapi.. persoalannya.. persoalannya..

adakah mereka cuba memahami atau mengerti? adakah perlu mereka ketahui?
perlukah mereka yang memberi jawapan yang pasti tentang kehidupan yang lain?

LOVE is......

Manusia itu selalu takut meneruskan apa yang baik yang ingin di laku kan.. Manusia bertindak mengikut PENGALAMAN, PEMIKIRAN serta PENILAIAN..

PErnahkah mereka meletakkannya sebenar2 nya kpd kputusan ILLAHI?
Jawapan dari ALLAH adalah yg pasti.. DIA yg MAHA MENGEtahui..
ttp.. kita perlu juga memahami sebab serta perjalanan cerita yg ALLAH da tentukan..
JIka ada program SOAL ASYRAF(imam muda).


lakukan lah solat taubat, solat hajat dan solat istikharah.. Mintalah petunjuk Nya pada zahir dan batin mu..
Letakkanlah setiap urusan kehidupan mu di tgn DIA yg MAHA TAHU.. nescahaya.. setiap urusan mu akan di permudahkan dan mendapat yg terbaik krn DIA yg MAHA TAHU..

InsyaALLAH.. dalam mengecapi kebahagiaan dalam bergelar suami atau isteri akan datang sribu satu kbaikan bwat pasangan yg ingin mendirikan masjid dgn tiang agama mrk.. AAMIN.

ismi nadia..

If You Dare Find Me

the girl in this picture is my younger sister named asyikeen..
this picture was taken on 4 years back.

time: dawn

gbr ni kita amik pkai my mom cellphone..
maybe you will not going to believe it but it is up to you guys what to think and perceive..
but the fact is.. this is the truth.

Doa Ketika Ada Angin

recite this doa when it's windy day...

Angin itu merupakan tiupan dari Allah Ta’ala, ia kadang datang membawa keberuntungan kadang pula membawa bencana. Jika kalian melihatnya jangan pernah memakinya, tapi mintalah kepada Allah kebaikannya dan berlindunglah dari keburukannya.”
(HR. Abu Daud, no. 5097, Ibnu Majah, no. 3727. Al-Albani menganggapnya shahih dalam Shahih At-Targhib, no. 3564).

Aisyah ra meriwayatkan bahwa doa yang biasa dibaca Rasulullah bila ada angin adalah:
اَللَّـٰهُمَّ إِنِّيْ أَسْأَلُكَ خَيْرَهَا وَخَيْرَ مَا فِيْهَا وَخَيْرَ مَا أُرْسِلَتْ بِهِ، وَأَعُوْذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَرِّهَا وَشَرِّ مَا أُرْسِلَتْ بِهِ.

“Allaahumma innii as`aluka khairaha wa khaira maa fiiha wa khaira maa ursilat bihii, wa a’uudzu bika min syarrihaa wa syarri maa ursilat bihi.”

(Ya Allah, sungguh aku mohon kepada-Mu kebaikannya (angin ini), kebaikan yang terkandung di dalamnya, dan kebaikan yang terkandung dalam pengirimannya. Dan aku berlindung kepada-mu dari keburukannya dan keburukan yang terkandung dalam pengirimannya.)

(HR. Muslim, no. 899, mutabi’ ke-1 dan lafaz di atas dari sana. Juga At-Tirmidzi, no. 3460 dengan lafal sedikit berbeda.)

Angin adalah fenomena alam yang kadang membawa nikmat tapi tak jarang pula mengakibatkan kerusakan. Dia adalah kiriman dari Allah yang bisa menjadi pembawa berita gembira kepada orang yang bisa menikmatinya, tapi pada saat yang sama juga bisa menjadi azab bagi mereka yang berdosa atau teguran bagi mereka yang alpa, sekaligus menjadi ujian bagi orang-orang yang bertakwa.
Maka, apapun yang dibawa oleh angin itu, hendaklah kita sebagai hamba Allah yang pasrah dan menyerahkan segala keputusan terbaik hanya di Tangan-Nya meminta agar kedatangan angin tersebut membawa hal terbaik bagi kita.

.:>Human Behavior

What is behaviour and what is human behaviour?

refers to the actions of a system or organism, usually in relation to its environment, which includes the other systems or organisms around as well as the physical environment. It is the response of the system or organism to various stimuli or inputs, whether internal or external, conscious or subconscious, overt or covert, and voluntary or involuntary.
Human behavior is the population of behaviors exhibited by humans and influenced by culture, attitudes, emotions, values, ethics, authority, rapport, hypnosis, persuasion, coercion and/or genetics.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs.svg

The behavior of people (and other organisms or even mechanisms) falls within a range with some behavior being common, some unusual, some acceptable, and some outside acceptable limits. In sociology, behavior is considered as having no meaning, being not directed at other people and thus is the most basic human action. Behavior should not be mistaken with social behavior, which is more advanced action, as social behavior is behavior specifically directed at other people. The acceptability of behavior is evaluated relative to social norms and regulated by various means of social control.
The behavior of people is studied by the academic disciplines of psychiatry, psychology, social work, sociology, economics, and anthropology.

 Factors affecting human behavior

  • Genetics – (see also evolutionary psychology)
  • Attitude – the degree to which the person has a favorable or unfavorable evaluation of the behavior in question.
  • Social norms – the influence of social pressure that is perceived by the individual (normative beliefs) to perform or not perform a certain behavior.
  • Perceived behavioral control – the individual’s belief concerning how easy or difficult performing the behavior will be.
so.. ape je yg i nk tell you guys here is about the level of  understanding the occurance of human behavior. lets talk about relationship in terms of the occurance of that particular person behaviour towards something that may effect the partners(spouse,gf/bf,bff,friends n fmly) ..
now lets talk about daily behaviour..

Accidental Gestures
Many of our gestures are unintentional. We scratch our head to remove itch, but not to convey a message to someone else. Although these acts have no specific purpose with regard to inter-personal communication, they may reveal information about a person.

 For example, people, who are nervous, tend to scratch their head more frequently than others. Therefore, it is difficult to hide emotional feelings, since many unintentional movements do reveal information.

So, the same thing goes to the unintentionally gestures reponds towards our partners or to others in our conversation at that moment.  Women will likely feel that u were listening to her when you respond to her with "a hah", hem, "really", "okay" ,"then", "ooo", "aaa" etc.. 
It shows that u were interested to listen to it and u were focusing to her in whatever she's saying.. this is the behaviour of women when they are in the conversation. the responds shows the presents of someone to be with them and to keep their warm and also to make sure that she is secure.. why is it secure?

Because it tells them that you will be with them untill she is done telling you everything, it shows them that you are there to keep her company and still there to listen and understand them which is more than enough.
Well gurls, they are pampered and tamed, it is the nature of women yg ALLAH kurniakan sifat kelembutan serta kasih sayang yg lbih dr guys dlm diri mrk..

Okay, when it comes to guys, they are not like us the ladies, we will waiting the sounds of respond for just to make sure that u are still listening but not for guys..
Guys tend to be cool.. they will think that u were listening to them when u keep silent, look them in the eyes, nodd your head, a short emm and conclude something or say something to make them feel better or bring them somewher to have fun.. but it is better to do a positive activities. Guys need a lot of encouragement neither do women but women tend to have body gestures more; like hugs, kalo suami and isteri, isteri will be much better bila hinggapnya kucupan di dahi serta usapan di kepala  mereka slain dari pelukan..lelaki pula mereka prefer kucupan (kisses).. :)

"We make some gestures unconsciously; yet they often have a meaning."
 we have to know and understand that guys are more straight and daring than women.. well, this is the facts. :)

Body Language
Body language is usually more informative than words. Words by other people usually tell you what other people WANT to say, while body posture usually tells, what they really feel and think. They express for example emotions, thoughts and how they think. It is easier to lie with words, than with body language.  

"When you change your body language, people will respond in a different way.

So kat sini nk citer sket sal gurls bler dlm keadaan sulking..MERAJUK! kadang2.. kiter kene faham, wlau watak atau karakter yg d bawa olh ppn itu agak kasar, ttp ktahuilah hatinya itu fragile,, all girls are the same deep inside of them.. sbnrnya xde pkataan heartless pon pd dr mrk.. cume kekecewaan,phobias and any other thing that leads them for that particular behaviour yg wat kn ssh nk merajuk konon hati keras n xde prasaan.. tp jauh d sudut hati tu membawa hati yg lara..

Berbalik pd merajuk td, sometimes when they said that they need time they actually do need the time but it doesn't tells u that they don't need you at that time.. maybe they want to keep silent for  a moment but they still do want you to be with them besides.. or it depends on that lady, usually you can understand her.. lets say that you don't know her yet, and what kind of approach you want to use so that she will get better and everything will get back to normal.

 YOU just do whatever your HEART say! if you are not that type of romantic guy, so be that GUY at that moment, listen to your heart.. our Heart will tell us what to do and usually do something that is bizarre or rare for us to do it. you may feel awkward or POYO's, it's okay.. just do it..

It shows and tells them that you are really sincere and love her.. because she feel something unique and special thing you've done to her.. DO something UNEXPECTED in a good and positive way, of course.!
It could be the most precious and the most remembered moment to have..

k.. that's it.. anything yg i ckp abt man and women because most of us acted that way..

.:> Just Feel Better

Lagu ni da lama da.. seingat ak time ak sem 1 kat MFI..
Best gila.. sampai dua tiga belas org dtg blik ak amik lgu ni..
Hari2 men lagu mane x nya.. pasang kuat2.. mmg tersuka la mereka.. 

She said I feel stranded
And I can't tell anymore
If I'm coming or I'm going
It's not how I planned it
I've got a key to the door
But it just won't open

And I know, I know, I know
Part of me says let it go
That life happens for a reason
I don't, I don't, I don't
Because it never worked before
But this time, this time

I'm gonna try anything to just feel better
Tell me what to do
You know I can't see through the haze around me
And I do anything to just feel better

And I can't find my way
Girl I need a change
And I do anything to just feel better
Any little thing that just feel better

She said I need you to hold me
I'm a little far from the shore
And I'm afraid of sinking
You're the only one who knows me
And who doesn't ignore
That my soul is weeping

I know, I know, I know
Part of me says let it go
Everything must have a season
Round and round it goes
And every day's the one before
But this time, this time

I'm gonna try anything that just feels better
Tell me what to do
You know I can't see through the haze around me
And I do anything to just feel better

I can't find my way
God I need a change
And I'd do anything to just feel better
Any little thing that just feel better

I'm tired of holding on
To all the things I ought to leave behind, yeah
It's really getting old, and
I think I need a little help this time!


[Guitar solo]

I'm gonna try anything to just feel better
Tell me what to do
You know I can't see through the haze around me
And I do anything to just feel better

And I can't find my way
God I need a change
And I do anything to just feel better
Any little thing that just feel better

.:> Saka Baka atau Puaka.

Apa itu saka..
Bagi aku saka ni terbahagi kepada dua..

1. Ringkasnya ‘saka’ adalah ilmu atau jin-jin yang diwarisi daripada seorang manusia kepada seorang manusia lain sama ada secara disedari atau tidak, biasanya melibatkan keturunan.

Masyarakat melayu zaman dulu suke amik jin2 ni sbagai dorg punya assistant tuk jaga rumah, keluarga, ladang, dan perubatan (bidan/dukun) bagi tujuan mempermudahkan urusan perubatan mereka.. Yela dulu2 nk amik pak guard xmmpu.. yg ni jo free.. leh la an.. 

Bila sume perjanjian tlh diperstujui oleh dua belah pihak iaitu jin dan manusia.. Maka, jin bmula keje sperti biasa tanpa shift 24jam menjaga tuannya itu.. Selagi ia x mati atau diptuskan hubungan dgn tuannya itu, ia akan trus mendampingi keluarga tuannya itu sehingga ia.. perlu kita bahawa umur jin lebih pjg dr umur manusia.. 

Tanda-tanda seseorg itu mempunyai atau terkena gangguan saka ini secara sedar atau tidak;

1. Lebam di tubuh badan - mcam magik ttba je ada
2. Malas tuk melakukan rutin harian
3. Ketidakselesaan berada di dlm rumah
4. Tidak mampu mengawal diri, mudah marah, stress manjang dgn tiba2..
5. Kena gangguan ketika dan sebelum tidur
6. Dada n jantung sentiasa berdebar
7. Ternampak or terdengar sesuatu yg pelik. (bisikan tuk melakukan kejahatan atau mencederakan diri)
8. Bermimpi ttg binatang / kanak2 kecil / pergi ke tanah perkuburan.
9. Sering sakit kepala yg luar biasa dan sakit belakang.

So kalo korg ad tanda2 camni, cepat2 la pergi berubat.. Takut memudaratkan kalo di biar lelama..


2. Saka yg kedua, ia berunsur penurunan jugak.. Iaitu sifat atau perangai. Bak kata Aristotle, "Bapak borek, anak rintik".. Camtu la.. Saka ni lg bahaya.. Camne ank tu camne tu kluarga.. Tp jgn la bile nk kawen, tgk salasilah kluarga calon smpai nenek moyang dorg.. mungkin nenek moyang dia tu lanun dlu.. tp skg mana ad lanun.. btul x.. perangai dan sifat ni leh di bentuk sejak kecil lg.. Anak itu umpama kain putih, dan mak bapa yg tentukan coraknya... 

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