The Day We Burnt Our Stress All Away(2010)..
I think this was the moment we all just finished up our exam paper i guess..
Others are still studying while us are enjoying our time and day..
even we know that we still have paper to sit but we decided to put aside all of the things away for a moment..
We had so much gay that day!
Things gone Wild! it was so much fun! do somehing out of your mind sometimes is the best moment you can ever had..
besides, you will get addicted to it.. hehe
BUT.. whatever it is, do still control and behave yourself!
have fun with positive things, do not harm yourself and others k..
This wonderful moment we had was around Melaka City..
We enjoyed our self at Dataran Melaka..
Remember Folks! sometimes we do need Dolce Far Niente!! :)
Pinang Water Festival(2009)..
hehe.. Who can do This????
haha.. My team Are dared enough to do this!
I Love Them so much, tapi masa ni ada lg yg xde..
like I said when you put aside your problem, your shy, your tempered and whatever, and go out there enjoy your day by doing something unexpected in positive way la kan.. so you can have so much fun..
and you will learn how to appreciate your self and others around you!
Those wigs was my idea, but the one who noticed there is Toy's R Us punye studio was Leen. And pe lg, amik gbr la we all..
From left is Ady, Leen, Pinang, Wan John and Me..
Kalo korang x buat something that might called by others as nothing it is your lost.. This kind of nothing thing that will lead you to have GAY!
Gay in this term is not homosexual, it's mean the joyful and fun.
Wan John C Pocong(2009)
hahha.. i still remembered this moment! We had our vacation at Pahang..
X igt la kat mn, tp yg ade, Me,Damia Iliana,Adni Liyana,Ady Ferhad,Hanif Sulhi, Wan John, Boya, Jepun, Asrol Aslam..
ooo,, da ingat.. Kt org kat Pantai Cherating.. It was around 1am i guess..
me,ady, Mia and Asrol ngah dok memancing.. aku dok kat angah Ady sbb xpenah memancing so nk cuba2 la.. tb2.. aku dgr bunyi tapak kaki loncat2 kat pantai! dan... tiba2.. mankok jahanam ni rupenye ngah meloncat2 kat blakang kt org! hahha..
aku xtau asal aku x tekejut sgt sbb nmpak die kot.. kalo korang tgk r die waktu tu mmg sgt klaka doh..
ade ke patot pocong leh mlompat scare reverse?
hehhe... lawak Gilo along aku ni..
I miss you guys so much! and i really miss that moment the most!
wah kali ni kita nk g bcuti mana la pulak.. da la xlm lg sume org bakal2 bergelar suami n isteri..
Soooooooo.. Kita Enjoy! nnt Enjoy with Spouses masing2 k..
again..Dolce Far Niente.. masa ni ktorg plan gler last minutes.. bsok nk g mlm tu aku sibok2 kol ckp nk g bcuti.. byangkan.. best gler.. hehehee
Ulu Bentoi..(2008)
hehe.. Actually the real name of this place is Ulu Bentul.. there is a story and history behind this name..
masa nk g sini kt ngah sibok2 nk pilih nk mandi kat mn? Ulu Bendul or Jeram Toi?
di sebab kn tu Ady the guy who wore white singlet in this photo tersebut "jom pegi Ulu Bentoi"
Ulu Bentoi pon boleh.. hahah.. untill now we called it Ulu Bentoi.. hehe
This place is located at Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.. ktorg pegi mandi sbb saje suka2 n nk have fun.. Well, The Sweetness of Doing Nothing...
Ady c Mentadak Mentadu.. :)
Shah Alam ICT (2010)
:) hemm.. what can i say? ni nm nye .. xde keje.. I'm blushed!
I can't even look at him.. I was so shy that time, he stared at me and said that he really ...... nonverbal and verbally..
We let everything happened and occured spontaneously.. This is the real Dolce Far Niente personally for me.. I was just stood and silent under the Light tree.. The colourful lights coloured us that night..
I felt the LOVE Glossed at that moment.. He didn't say anythng but The Gestures and Post speaks for him..
Mucho gracias Me Amour!
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