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Amour Epilogue- Part 3

Salam and Hye to you guys.. a very much thanks to all of you yang mneruskan membaca serta mengikuti perkembangan crita ni :) and also a very much thanks to you because still be patient in order to follow up the next story of our life journey..

          In this chapter, I would like to tell you guys about our first Met :)
First week kat UiTM Shah Alam, weekend x balik rumah kat Seremban balik rmh my sister Najdah, dekat Klang. I thought my sister don't have any intention to go back Seremban, and then suddenly that night nk blik.
I mmg balik dlm keadaan yg xde mood. On the next morning I bngun I da de kat Seremban da rupenye, & On the afternoon teringat nk p giant beli few things like a new Scarf a.k.a Hijab. So i cakap la kat mamat ni yg i de kat sbn da and i wanna go giant if he want to hang out or meet his old friend let's meet up at Giant with other High School friends. Tapi memandangkan kami je yg ade, kita jumpa dua jela.. I thought nk drive g sana but there is someone who trying his best to be gentle :-p.. He Came and fetched me at my house. Die yg nk amik I katenye lbih elok mcm tu :)

           After a few day bermesej2an and calling2.. Terasa nk jumpa plak.. Tp xde peluang cuz jarak memisahkan kita.. Xkan patah semangat kot.. Leh jek pergi S.A tu.. Tp pk keje kat opis manyak so tunggu jela.. She told me yg dia akan bermalam kat umah sisternya, Najdah yg sebelum ni i xtau pn name pn.. wkaakka.. Ttibe jek kata ad surprise nk gtau.. Rupa2nya dia blik semban chor.. Melompat girang.. Terjun bangunan naek balik.. hahaha.. Di pendekkan cerita yg agak panjang ni, I pn g amik dia kat rumah.. Never thought dia duk dekat jek dgn I selama ni.. tp nape la x jumpa. amat dekat nk jmpa.. Kemunculan si dara di tunggu.. Berdegup laju jantung beta.. Kereta kuda hitam tersegam indah diluar istana Raja Puteri (ni nama mak ea).. huhuhu Seriously bila dia kuar n masuk kete.. I xtau nk ckp pe.. Clueless.. Ni kah nadia.. First time jumpa, laen macam rasanya.. Agak janggal memula..
And the most important thing, I never thought perempuan laen akan duduk dlm kete and sebelah i.. X penah terlintas langsung yg perempuan seterusnya adalh Nadia..

          Da smpai Giant, I hilang ingatan jap, xtau motif  I nk g sana. Lupa lak nk citer sal first experienced mase die jemput I tu.. hahha nk gugur jantung die mase 1st time jumpa I, mn x nye Kami mase school dulu mn la pnah tegur n xpenah rase pon akn kewujudannya tp we both know that we are schoolmates, it just mase sports la kalo xsilap 2 pn pndang skali lalu je.. x sangke plak cmni pjalanannya.. :) Akhirnya dpt la Ikhsan jumpe wanita yg bernama Nadia ini d dpn mata. Agaknya, mase die pndang i tu pe la dlm otak die tu ek? cantik ke? Pendek ke? Selekeh ke? huh i punya la risau mcm2 tp wa wat x tau je babe..

         So mase kat Giant die igt kn I yg nk bli tudung tu tadi kita pon pilih la tudung sarung yg dpn die keras tu.. I bought three different colours which are black, yellow and blue. Die mase tu asik ckp "cantik3" tu je.. and then nk blik tapi lalu kat bhgn food court tu patu i ternampak la kdai yg bli byk2 hadiah tu.. Silverho kot kalo xsilap nm kdai tu.. I carik2 la bnda yg mungkin i berkenan, patu I ade ternampak a Photo Frames, I tgk frames yg de world cup tu die pon tgk bnda yg sama, patu die ckp die suke cntik.. I pon amik g bli diam2 byar n hadiah kan kat die bnda yg i suke n die pon suke :-p.. saje je pon.

Ni bukanla gmbar yg Sbnr, Yg sbnr lg cantik n comel.. Gmbarnye xde la, Hadiahnye ada kat Ikhsan, Gmbar sbnar ada Worldcup nye trophy and soccer ball there.. :) lbih kurang cmni la..

      Sblom balik sempat bli vanilla Ice cream kat luar pintu welcome tu.. Ajak die mkn skali tp die xnk, Rm1 je pon.. Tp die yg byar.. hehe, thank you dear.. So, I pon bgla dia sket, at first ajak2 ayam yela adab la katakan xsangke plak die sambut.. hehhe I da malu tahap gaban lak masa tu.. :-p patu mkn kat parking lot sbb xkn nk mkn dlm kete kang tumpah mcm mn? so die dgn setianya tunggu I hbis mkn n dlm ms yg sm i ckp kt di " Jgn la tgk I mkn, I segan r llk tgk i mkn ice cream, sensitive" nk tau x respond die pe? slalunye org akn ckp "ala mkn je la" tol x? Tau xx die watpe? "okay, i x tgk u, I dok dlm kete eah" die leh dok dlm kete and pndang tingkap mgadap kat lua, i kat dpn kete duduk kat troli tu. Pelik but ... :-) I was something unexpected.. Patu I xpat nk hbiskn, I lambai kat die soh kua dr kete, I ckp la.. I nk buang this ice cream blh?
Die kate membzir la.. I pon rase cmtu gak tp da x larat da.. I ckp u nk hbiskn ke?

              Hehe, tau die watpe? Die amik that ice cream n mkn.. I was like, WHAt?? nk Senyum sbb sweet pn ye, malu tahap xle blah pn ye.. Tp sblom tu die sempat curik gmbar i ngah mkn ice cream.. :-)

July 12th, 2010

ps: jgn lupa bace this part twice JGN once sbb crita kat sini akn slalu update lagi.. nk tau jln crita dr Ikhsan, nnt kan k.. :-) pjalanan seharian pada waktu ini masih panjang lagi :-)


                    Merewang2 kat Giant.. atas dasar nak beli tudung.. excited nk jumpa, dating kat giant pn jd.. hahaha.. pas beli tudung dia kata nk ke kedai souvenir.. usha la barang2 kat ctu.. I xtau apa dia cari.. Curi2 la snap gmbar beliau.. Then i tgk frame, then pn sama.. sibuk je ko ni.. haha.. I suke frame bola tu memandang demam world cup skang ni.. Sekali lagi di pn membusy body diri beliau, kata minat gak.. Dia amik dan terus berlalu ke kaunter bayaran.. Pun pelik, nape gegurl nak frame bola.. Pelik ni.. dia suh i pegang that frame.. yela pmpuan da pegang handbag i pegang la plastik tu.. cian dia.. Suddenly, she said "U amikla frame tu, hadiah".. Errr.. x reti ckap ape.. kang tolak kang.. susah.. so egt pesan mak, "rezeki jgn ditolak, mush jgn dicari".. haha amik je la..

Sebelum blik.. beli ais-krim.. i mmg kurg la nk makan ais-krim cuz xberapa suka nnt haus.. so beli satu jela.. tuk dia.. singgit je pn.. bukan mahal pn.. so nak anta blik la.. mission successful.. I ckap " Makan aiskrim dlu, kang cair meleleh plak kat dalam kete, abis kete I". Ok the melepet la kat parking lot tu makan aiskrim.. Dia kata malu nk makan depan i, huh! ok.. i lepak dlm kete la.. masuk kete terus baring.. kang kena tuduh skodeng plak.. I pn plik nape la baek sngt ni.. hahaha.. tp best...

Guys, Don't forget to leave your comments and follow this blog okay :).. Thank you.

Amour Epilogue- Part 2

 Hello.. berminat nk tau crita slanjutnye eah? 1st I would like to say thank you sbb follow ths story of our love life..

        Sekarang bgun pg 610am.. Sbb ape? ade orang tolong kejut kn Subuh  prayer..  Kalau I,  I set jam on 630 am for my prayer but now kene lg awal.. :) I xpasti, samda I yg kejutkan or die yg kjutkn bgun subuh..
haha.Tp .. hah, yela. I'm the one who gave him a wake up call and that time he woke up allready. Sekarang, bngun pagi da mula terasa indah.. hehe. lain sket la. rase cam bercinta walhal x declare pon. kami bebas tapi punyai satu perasaan yg x terungkap d ketika itu. I da mula rase rindu, masa tu xmalu tol. I igt lg, ms tu kita xde pape pn but I'm so dared enough to confessed my feelings on him. WAIT! bkn ckp i jtuh cinta tau, I ckap I Rindu dia. my text bunyi cmni: " I started to miss you allready".. actually i felt so ashamed of my self but it was the fact. * I can't lie to myself and BTW i told that too to him. Erk, malu seh..hehhe

Ada waktu tgahari or evening tu die kol ckp sakit tgn blah kanan. xle nk bengkok kan n nk grak2 pn sakit. So I risau la, I soh die g klinik tgk pe jd n i x expect pon die akn kt ok I pegi. Bila die kata nnt jap g he will go. I was Surprised actually, so commonly kite xkan nk snang caye yg die nk g kn.. I asked him to give me the proof that he'll go to the clinic. I told him take the picture of the doctor assistant and the clinic caunter. Tp tu pon die mtak another option leh x amik gbr klinik tu je sbb malu je kene amik gbr org2 klinik tu kang kene maki n d tuduh sbb amik gbr org tu tnpa izin. So die mms la gbr dpn klinik tu.. :) I mmg sgt2 xsangke dgn ape yg tlah die korban kan.. Pada waktu n ketika itu, Kau la Cinta ,KAu lah segalanyya.. Tidak tersangka hati n jiwa ini akan di perlayan begitu. Mcm xsangka la die SWEET n tahla Senang je die wat cmtu. Pelik gak sbnrnya sbb I xpenah lg been through that kind of situation dgn that type of guy.

Ok now part two..

          Now its become more interesting.. Every evening I go to gym.. Lepaskan tensen.. one day terlalu la bersungguh2 smpai koyak muscle gitu.. rasanya a day after i called her.. Bg la tau kata muscle koyak.. I dont expected respond yg bagus.. tp respond tu leh wat senyum sampai telinga.. x sangka dia risau gaban.. di paksa ke klinik tuk amik ubat la bagai.. Suke2.. hahaha :P Punya la x pcaya i g klinik.. dia suh plak amik gambar n mms kat dia.. amik jela.. nurse klinik pandang len macam jek.. pdulikan.. hahahaha


    And tibalah saat yg mnakutkn i, I takut sgt nk teruskan this kind of feelings on him. So, i decided to do  my Istikharah prayer. Asking for ALLAH help and guide me with my decision and also show me what is the best way and thing to do for this relationship? I dpt surah al-Fath dlm tafsiran al-quran, ayt brape biarlah rahsia :)
ALLAH berikan jawapan melalui surah dan ayat tersebut utk diriku, ianya menceritakan ttg perjalanan hidup dlm keredhaan ALLAH, sekiranya sesuatu itu berlandaskan DIA serta dgn memohon Keredhaannya maka teruskan. I dpt sbuah pjalan yg baik maka I truskan berkawan dgn Ikhsan. Kalau la ALLAH bg petunjuk mlalui tafsiran al-Quran tu dgn sbuah pnceritaan yg mnakutkan tentang azab or ayt2 yg memberi makna penegahan ttg sesuatu SERIOUSLY I xkan kwn dgn dia.. Tentang tafsiran yg i dapat tu i rujuk pd 1 ustadz and 2 org ustadzah bahasa arab I. Mereka kata teruskan berkawan dulu. :)
Ps: kalau x silap I Ikhsan pon buat jugak pada mlm I solat Istikaharah tu :)

I pun masih lagi fobia tuk mencuba atau bercinta lagi.. yela bak kata org, tanah kubur merah lg.. wahahaha.. ktorg planned tuk solat istikharah.. ni jalan terbaek tuk kita org Islam jika ad keraguan ttg ssuatu.. Bulatkan hati, serahkan segala ketentuan pada ALLAH.. Alhamdulillah.. Resultnya Cemerlang bangat.. Stay tuned....

ps/ kalau wanna know what was the result of the Istikharah prayer got by Ikhsan, stay tuned kay.. :)
BTW, korang kene la slalu2 bace this chapter twice sbb kita slalu update kerana memandangkn nk tunggu respond cik Ikhsan yg berada jauh skang ni :).. Kemudahan Internet tidak dapat 24 hours, Limited for him. nnt kn gmbar2 nye k: :)

Amour Epilogue- Part 1

        I was broken hearted. 3 years relationships sank in the earth deeply. Than someone came with promises that he will take a great care of me, will Love me with all of his heart.. He did but I can't accept him. I tried my best to love him but it wasn't that easy for me because I'm still thinking of my ex. I realized that i can't continue that relationship with him, it just too hard. I kept telling him to say something sweet every time I thought of him in order for me to get rid off the images and thoughts on my Ex . Before this, i did tell him that i was afraid to start a new relationship back because I didn't recovered yet but he and my friends convinced me that they will help me to do so. Now that day by day passed, my relationship went wrong and the rltnshp can't long last. I was still waiting for my Ex-boyfriend on that time. Until one day , I was online with my friends all over the world through FB, I got buzzed by this guy called me "mak cik" or untie on my Fb chat.

Ikhsan :

           I plak time tu baru pas broke up. Baru je, sebulan camtu..Actually ditinggalkan la.. Huhu.. Dalam masa sebulan tu, I tried to get her back.. And always prayed.. Da gilo jap sebulan meroyan.. And my best friend advised me to change.. Past is past.. Thanks to all my friends yg support i Time tu.. One of my friend said, Putus Cinta Ini Ibarat Hujan. Kita akan nangis sepuas2nya seperti hujan yg lebat mencurah2 ke bumi.. hujan pasti akan berhenti. and mentari akan tiba.. Dari situ pelangi yg indah lg cantik mucul..So, sebulan hujan.. One day its stop tika bermain FB, chatting wif my ex-schoolmate.
Lame x jumpa saje2 la buzz.. Then ditruskan hinga munculnya pelangi.. Di saat itu kebahagian tiba.. Kebahagian dalam perpisahan..

          He was my ex schoolmates when I was form1 till early form 4 at Senawang 2 High School. haha kelakar bila nk igt balik.. This guy was born as Nurikhsan. Chatting cam biasa, die tanye i what happen to you? broke up ke? so, i lak mase tu mmg hati punah habis, ckap sal tgah tunggu meminang je dr sesapa n he was joking around by saying that he wanted to be the guy who will present the proposal kat my parents.. mula2 kau aku and, suddenly changed to I & U daa.. :-). I don't know since when we exchanged our contact number and in that conversation he told me to add his mother at fb. Haha jgn memain, maju tu mak mentua I. so die suruh i crik kat friends lists but during that time I x jumpa, so die bg her mother link to me.
         Then i pergi Class, I was at my Faculty surau to perform my prayer and after i've done, i got a Greetings text from an unknown number. It was him. Then  we text each other lpas tu tb2 die ckp, "text me on my Maxis number la" i replied "I don't hv ur Mxis number" than he forwarded the numbr to me.. I cakap kat die i got to go to class for now later on i'll text u. lpas tu die ckp "don't forget to hit me" nk tau i replied pe? "k, i'll hit u with hammer :)" Dia tgu i blik klass i pg dinner wif friends : Don, Laili, Syahiera, Intan, Liyana,and Sharifah Sue.. I rase ni jela kot orgnye. Mase ni lah kami rancak Texting each other. Dia nk tau sgt sal my rltnshp yg x berjaya tu. I ckp nnt i critakn, tp he has to wait for me again and a bit longer because on that moment i was with my lovely friend Bairuha, biasala Girls to Girls talk.. smpai kol 1am i guess then naik bilik, i text him.. I xsangke die kol I.. we're on the line for about almost 3 hours i guess.. Dalam conversations tu, I don't know why i had this kind of feelings.. A feelings of i knew him for such a long time, the feelings of I Love him, the feelings of Soul mates within a few hours spent together. Then Went to sleep after much talked...


          Dia yg bernama cinta.. Dia yg mengilhamkan kebahagian tanpa pintaku.. dia membuatku berasa indah.. Dia Nadia Salleh (jgn kembang lak).. lame kot tunggu dia settle down sume keje and tanggungjawab dia.. mmg agak sengal dia ni.. I memain je suh add my mom.. btul2 plak dia wat.. poning acik.. huuhuu.. i had no intention for seeking a replacement.. i just go with the flow.. and the flow so smooth and nice.. Mlm tu i msj and she said dia ada discussion dgn mate dia.. ok kesabaran di perlukan di sini.. tp xpk pn nk call dia.. tiba2 dia kata done. trus laju je jari tekan call.. wah.. mentang2 la pakai line, sbat la labu.. ko kan kaya..hahahaha..
Lame gak kitorang chat.. tnpa hiraukan bil yg akan melambung.. mata yg akan lebam sok nk keje.. keinginan tuk mengenali dan mendengar kisah sedih cik nadia lagi tinggi dari tido.. tu nk panggil nafsu apa ea.. nafsu telingo.. hahahahahahaha 
          Crita ni xbenti smpai sni je.. I igt esok da xde la.. Biase2 je, tp msih ade lg bl I bgun tdo..Nk tau pe jd esok nye? hemmm.. ikutilah kisah slanjutnye k.. :):)



Jgn kutuk dlu.. Bace smpai habis dlu k..
Sex tu mmg sesuatu yg mengasyikkan bg mereka2 yg pnah bwat.. kalo suami isteri tu lain hal la k, ni tok yg blom berkahwin..  Ni nk gtau kat sume org, consequences for having sex yg x bersih! Information and knowledge ni utk yg da berkahwin atau belom..
A common serious health diseases like HIV, AIDS and Syphilis are well known by all of us but the rare disease that caused by STDs (Sexually transmitted diseases) like Warts is still unfamiliar among us most of it.

Warts Disease

Warts are small, usually painless growths on the skin caused by a virus. They are generally harmless. However, warts can be disfiguring and embarrassing, and occasionally they itch or hurt (particularly on the feet).
The different types of warts include:
  • Common warts usually appear on the hands, but can appear anywhere.
  • Flat warts are generally found on the face and forehead. They are common in children, less so in teens, and rare in adults.
  • Genital warts are usually found on the genitals, in the pubic area, and the area between the thighs, but can appear inside the vagina and anal canal.
  • Plantar wartsare found on the soles of the feet.
  • Subungual and periungual warts appear under and around the fingernails or toenails

Alternative Names
Plane juvenile warts; Periungual warts; Subungual warts; Plantar warts; Verruca; Verrucae planae juveniles; Filiform warts; Verruca vulgaris

Causes, incidence, and risk factors 
The typical wart is a raised round or oval growth on the skin with a rough surface. Compared with the surrounding normal skin, warts may appear light, dark, or black (rare). Most adults are familiar with the look of a typical wart and have little trouble recognizing them. Unusual warts with smooth surfaces or flat warts in children may be more difficult for parents to recognize.
Common warts tend to cause no discomfort unless they are in areas of repeated friction or pressure. Plantar warts, for example, can become extremely painful. Large numbers of plantar warts on the foot may cause difficulty running and even walking.
Warts around and under your nails are much more difficult to cure than warts elsewhere.
Some warts will disappear without treatment, although it can sometimes take a couple years. Treated or not, warts that go away often reappear. Genital warts are quite contagious, while common, flat, and plantar warts are much less likely to spread from person to person. All warts can spread from one part of your own body to another.
Because people generally consider warts unsightly and there is often a social stigma, treatment is often sought.

Warts on Hand and Armpit

common warts is also known as ketuat among us Malaysian

Warts on Face

Warts on Palate
 warts dekat lelangit because of oral sex caused by an infection warts on penile shaft.

Warts on Genitiles

So, looks familiar ?
What to do next?
Simple, go to clinic and search for a doctor consultation that is the best way to do.. Or,

Find this medicine at pharmacy near around you and it is important for you  to go for a consultation from the doctor as the pre- caution.
A tips for you next is go do a survey to as many clinics you can for the rates of the treatment costs.
Good Luck and hopefully before Making Love u will clean up your self first.. :)

PS/ BTW these pictures didn't mean to harm anyone. This is only for sex education and for the purpose of clear view on this Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

21st November 2010- " I Hate Goodbyes :'( "

Leaving On a Jet Plane

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go
I'm standin' here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye

But the dawn is breakin', it's early morn
The taxi's waitin', he's blowin' his horn
Already I'm so lonesome I could die

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go

I'm ...

There's so many times I've let you down
So many times I've played around
I'll tell you now, they don't mean a thing

Every place I go, I think of you
Every song I sing, I sing for you
When I come back I'll wear your wedding ring

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go

Now the time has come to leave you
One more time, oh, let me kiss you
And close your eyes and I'll be on my way

Dream about the days to come
When I won't have to leave alone
About the times that I won't have to say ...

Oh, kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go

And I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go

But I'm leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
(Leaving) On a jet plane

"He left... I miss you so much sayang.. Take a great care of yourself.. I blow u a kiss to keep u feel my presence.. I pray for your health, life, carrier and LOVE"

Words & music: chantal kreviazuk

Make me believe in you
Honestly for real, one thing true
Take me in, in your arms
Wandering alone seems so far

Let me know that you made it as far as forever, oh whoa
Let me know that you hear when I cry if you can

Youre far away from me
Youre far away from me
Youre far away from me
Come a little closer
Just a little, oh

Let me know heaven sees
Shines on life our memories
Mmm, make me feel all that you are
Angel child or a radiant star

cause I know that we? ll meet up again in forever. oh
Let me know you? ll be waiting for me in the end

Youre far away from me
Youre far away from me
Youre far away from me
Come a little closer
Just a little

Ha ... ha ... ah ... ah ah

Youre far away from me
Youre far away from me
Youre far away from me
Come a little closer
Just a little, oh
Just a little

Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Just a little
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Just a little
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Just a little
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Just a little
Whoa oh oh oh ...

" Now that he has gone far away from me... I miss hubby Ikhsan so much! :).. I'll be faithfully waiting for you honey.."