Jgn kutuk dlu.. Bace smpai habis dlu k..
Sex tu mmg sesuatu yg mengasyikkan bg mereka2 yg pnah bwat.. kalo suami isteri tu lain hal la k, ni tok yg blom berkahwin.. Ni nk gtau kat sume org, consequences for having sex yg x bersih! Information and knowledge ni utk yg da berkahwin atau belom..
A common serious health diseases like HIV, AIDS and Syphilis are well known by all of us but the rare disease that caused by STDs (Sexually transmitted diseases) like Warts is still unfamiliar among us most of it.
Warts Disease
Warts are small, usually painless growths on the skin caused by a virus. They are generally harmless. However, warts can be disfiguring and embarrassing, and occasionally they itch or hurt (particularly on the feet).
The different types of warts include:
The different types of warts include:
- Common warts usually appear on the hands, but can appear anywhere.
- Flat warts are generally found on the face and forehead. They are common in children, less so in teens, and rare in adults.
- Genital warts are usually found on the genitals, in the pubic area, and the area between the thighs, but can appear inside the vagina and anal canal.
- Plantar wartsare found on the soles of the feet.
- Subungual and periungual warts appear under and around the fingernails or toenails
Alternative Names
Plane juvenile warts; Periungual warts; Subungual warts; Plantar warts; Verruca; Verrucae planae juveniles; Filiform warts; Verruca vulgaris
Causes, incidence, and risk factors
The typical wart is a raised round or oval growth on the skin with a rough surface. Compared with the surrounding normal skin, warts may appear light, dark, or black (rare). Most adults are familiar with the look of a typical wart and have little trouble recognizing them. Unusual warts with smooth surfaces or flat warts in children may be more difficult for parents to recognize.
Common warts tend to cause no discomfort unless they are in areas of repeated friction or pressure. Plantar warts, for example, can become extremely painful. Large numbers of plantar warts on the foot may cause difficulty running and even walking.
Warts around and under your nails are much more difficult to cure than warts elsewhere.
Some warts will disappear without treatment, although it can sometimes take a couple years. Treated or not, warts that go away often reappear. Genital warts are quite contagious, while common, flat, and plantar warts are much less likely to spread from person to person. All warts can spread from one part of your own body to another.
Because people generally consider warts unsightly and there is often a social stigma, treatment is often sought.
Common warts tend to cause no discomfort unless they are in areas of repeated friction or pressure. Plantar warts, for example, can become extremely painful. Large numbers of plantar warts on the foot may cause difficulty running and even walking.
Warts around and under your nails are much more difficult to cure than warts elsewhere.
Some warts will disappear without treatment, although it can sometimes take a couple years. Treated or not, warts that go away often reappear. Genital warts are quite contagious, while common, flat, and plantar warts are much less likely to spread from person to person. All warts can spread from one part of your own body to another.
Because people generally consider warts unsightly and there is often a social stigma, treatment is often sought.
Warts on Hand and Armpit
common warts is also known as ketuat among us Malaysian
Warts on Face
Warts on Palate
warts dekat lelangit because of oral sex caused by an infection warts on penile shaft.
Warts on Genitiles
So, looks familiar ?
What to do next?
Simple, go to clinic and search for a doctor consultation that is the best way to do.. Or,
Find this medicine at pharmacy near around you and it is important for you to go for a consultation from the doctor as the pre- caution.
A tips for you next is go do a survey to as many clinics you can for the rates of the treatment costs.
Good Luck and hopefully before Making Love u will clean up your self first.. :)
What to do next?
Simple, go to clinic and search for a doctor consultation that is the best way to do.. Or,
Find this medicine at pharmacy near around you and it is important for you to go for a consultation from the doctor as the pre- caution.
A tips for you next is go do a survey to as many clinics you can for the rates of the treatment costs.
Good Luck and hopefully before Making Love u will clean up your self first.. :)
PS/ BTW these pictures didn't mean to harm anyone. This is only for sex education and for the purpose of clear view on this Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
hahahahaha...cool..safety first...
haha.. bli la latex yg mahal..
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