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.:>Human Behavior

What is behaviour and what is human behaviour?

refers to the actions of a system or organism, usually in relation to its environment, which includes the other systems or organisms around as well as the physical environment. It is the response of the system or organism to various stimuli or inputs, whether internal or external, conscious or subconscious, overt or covert, and voluntary or involuntary.
Human behavior is the population of behaviors exhibited by humans and influenced by culture, attitudes, emotions, values, ethics, authority, rapport, hypnosis, persuasion, coercion and/or genetics.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs.svg

The behavior of people (and other organisms or even mechanisms) falls within a range with some behavior being common, some unusual, some acceptable, and some outside acceptable limits. In sociology, behavior is considered as having no meaning, being not directed at other people and thus is the most basic human action. Behavior should not be mistaken with social behavior, which is more advanced action, as social behavior is behavior specifically directed at other people. The acceptability of behavior is evaluated relative to social norms and regulated by various means of social control.
The behavior of people is studied by the academic disciplines of psychiatry, psychology, social work, sociology, economics, and anthropology.

 Factors affecting human behavior

  • Genetics – (see also evolutionary psychology)
  • Attitude – the degree to which the person has a favorable or unfavorable evaluation of the behavior in question.
  • Social norms – the influence of social pressure that is perceived by the individual (normative beliefs) to perform or not perform a certain behavior.
  • Perceived behavioral control – the individual’s belief concerning how easy or difficult performing the behavior will be.
so.. ape je yg i nk tell you guys here is about the level of  understanding the occurance of human behavior. lets talk about relationship in terms of the occurance of that particular person behaviour towards something that may effect the partners(spouse,gf/bf,bff,friends n fmly) ..
now lets talk about daily behaviour..

Accidental Gestures
Many of our gestures are unintentional. We scratch our head to remove itch, but not to convey a message to someone else. Although these acts have no specific purpose with regard to inter-personal communication, they may reveal information about a person.

 For example, people, who are nervous, tend to scratch their head more frequently than others. Therefore, it is difficult to hide emotional feelings, since many unintentional movements do reveal information.

So, the same thing goes to the unintentionally gestures reponds towards our partners or to others in our conversation at that moment.  Women will likely feel that u were listening to her when you respond to her with "a hah", hem, "really", "okay" ,"then", "ooo", "aaa" etc.. 
It shows that u were interested to listen to it and u were focusing to her in whatever she's saying.. this is the behaviour of women when they are in the conversation. the responds shows the presents of someone to be with them and to keep their warm and also to make sure that she is secure.. why is it secure?

Because it tells them that you will be with them untill she is done telling you everything, it shows them that you are there to keep her company and still there to listen and understand them which is more than enough.
Well gurls, they are pampered and tamed, it is the nature of women yg ALLAH kurniakan sifat kelembutan serta kasih sayang yg lbih dr guys dlm diri mrk..

Okay, when it comes to guys, they are not like us the ladies, we will waiting the sounds of respond for just to make sure that u are still listening but not for guys..
Guys tend to be cool.. they will think that u were listening to them when u keep silent, look them in the eyes, nodd your head, a short emm and conclude something or say something to make them feel better or bring them somewher to have fun.. but it is better to do a positive activities. Guys need a lot of encouragement neither do women but women tend to have body gestures more; like hugs, kalo suami and isteri, isteri will be much better bila hinggapnya kucupan di dahi serta usapan di kepala  mereka slain dari pelukan..lelaki pula mereka prefer kucupan (kisses).. :)

"We make some gestures unconsciously; yet they often have a meaning."
 we have to know and understand that guys are more straight and daring than women.. well, this is the facts. :)

Body Language
Body language is usually more informative than words. Words by other people usually tell you what other people WANT to say, while body posture usually tells, what they really feel and think. They express for example emotions, thoughts and how they think. It is easier to lie with words, than with body language.  

"When you change your body language, people will respond in a different way.

So kat sini nk citer sket sal gurls bler dlm keadaan sulking..MERAJUK! kadang2.. kiter kene faham, wlau watak atau karakter yg d bawa olh ppn itu agak kasar, ttp ktahuilah hatinya itu fragile,, all girls are the same deep inside of them.. sbnrnya xde pkataan heartless pon pd dr mrk.. cume kekecewaan,phobias and any other thing that leads them for that particular behaviour yg wat kn ssh nk merajuk konon hati keras n xde prasaan.. tp jauh d sudut hati tu membawa hati yg lara..

Berbalik pd merajuk td, sometimes when they said that they need time they actually do need the time but it doesn't tells u that they don't need you at that time.. maybe they want to keep silent for  a moment but they still do want you to be with them besides.. or it depends on that lady, usually you can understand her.. lets say that you don't know her yet, and what kind of approach you want to use so that she will get better and everything will get back to normal.

 YOU just do whatever your HEART say! if you are not that type of romantic guy, so be that GUY at that moment, listen to your heart.. our Heart will tell us what to do and usually do something that is bizarre or rare for us to do it. you may feel awkward or POYO's, it's okay.. just do it..

It shows and tells them that you are really sincere and love her.. because she feel something unique and special thing you've done to her.. DO something UNEXPECTED in a good and positive way, of course.!
It could be the most precious and the most remembered moment to have..

k.. that's it.. anything yg i ckp abt man and women because most of us acted that way..